Journal Articles
Housing for refugees in Sweden: top-down governance and its local reactions
Henrik Emilsson & Klara Öberg
Journal of International Migration and Integration
29 June 2021, online
Open Access
Researching the dynamics of national social policy in a globalized society. A proposal for a de-nationalized analytical framework
Erica Righard
Swiss Journal of Sociology, 47(1): 137-155
28 March 2021, online
Free Access
Governing displaced migration in Europe: housing and the role of the “local”
Nasar Meer, Claudio Di Maio, Emma Hill, Maria Angeli, Klara Öberg & Henrik Emilsson
Comparative Migration Studies
25 January 2021, online
DOI: 10.1186/s40878-020-00209-x
Open Access
The role of asylum in processes of urban gentrification
Emma Hill, Nasar Meer & Timothy Peace
The Sociological Review
21 January 2021, online
Open Access
Rethinking refuge in the time of COVID-19
Nasar Meer, Emma Hill, Timothy Peace & Leslie Villegas
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5) Themed Issue: Race and Ethnicity in Pandemic Times, 864-876
17 December 2020, online
Sicurezza e stranieri: nuovi e vecchi limiti all'integrazione in tempi di crisi [Security and migrants: new and old borders to integration in times of crisis]
Claudio di Maio
Democrazia e Sicurezza [Democracy and Security Review]
24 April 2020, online
Open Access
Over the next four years we will be running a series of ongoing engagement events and range of activities.
The current ‘migration crisis’ presents openings as well as challenges.
The aim of GLIMER is to generate research that will help European cities and regions facilitate the long term inclusion of displaced people in a way that remakes local spaces.